Men’s Circle & Group Program

Join our Brotherhood to experience authentic connection, personal growth, and transformative practices with other conscious men in a supportive, judgment-free space. Unlock your full potential and embody true masculinity through our empowering, heart-centered men’s group.

My New Book

My book “Dein Ehrenkodex” (English: “Your Honor Code”) has been published in early 2023. In this book you learn, how to build real confidence, self-worth and self-trust and how you can overcome the conditioning and blockages keeping you from living a successful and fullfilled life on your own terms!

First published in German. English book coming soon!

My New Book

My book “Dein Ehrenkodex” (English: “Your Honor Code”) has been published in early 2023. In this book you learn, how to build real confidence, self-worth and self-trust and how you can overcome the conditioning and blockages keeping you from living a successful and fullfilled life on your own terms!

First published in German. English book coming soon!

Men’s Retreats

Dive into a transformative journey with our Rites of Passage and Tantra retreats. Experience the profound essence of Tantra that works in real life, fostering deep connections and personal growth. Through our modern day rites of passage retreats you’ll reclaim your personal power, be initiated into your authentic & mature masculinity and gain clarity on your purpose. Elevate your life, relationships, and intimacy. Ready for the ultimate experience?

1:1 Mentoring

Overcome your biggest challenges and make your deepest desire your lived reality with personal 1:1 Mentoring from Maximilian. Develop unshakable confidence, master your relationships, and unlock your true potential. Gain clarity, be empowered, and live the life you’ve always wanted. 

Let’s Connect

Get in touch with Maximilian